Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Window Shopper Interface

This week, we launched some modifications to our Window Shopper interface. For you heavy users out there, you may have noticed the changes on Monday.

Most of the changes involved simplification. Looking at user behavior and what they clicked on, we decided to eliminate the tabs and to have identical price comparison products as the default display.

You can see here, for example, the default display when searching for this Bullova watch. Window Shopper shows prices and stores where you can find this exact watch.

And now, when you hover over one of the cards, you can easily click over to the merchant, share the product with friends, or explore more search options.

Of course, if we can't find a deal for the item you're looking for, we will display visually similar alternatives. If you're looking for some earrings for a Mother's Day gift, Window Shopper will show you some visually similar items, as you can see in this example below.

So let us know how you like these changes, or if you even noticed them. :-)


  1. Nice clean layout, it shoudl work well. I always like pages to be uncluttered so that I can clearly see each item.

  2. I have to agree with Niki, it's really ugly. It desperately needs color and class. It shouldn't be too difficult to use some dark, vibrant colors and maybe even a very slow color wave in the background. What's stopping you from utilizing and beautifying more space, add some links, etc.?

  3. well the new interface has relly got me excited. cant wait to try it out. spyder paintball guns

  4. A very attractive and user friendly layout. e-commerce should get inspiration from this.
